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This is the webpage of Thomas Stiehl. I am mathematician and medical doctor. In my research I develop mechanistic mathematical models with applications in the biosciences. My focus is on cancers of the blood forming system, such as acute myeloid leukemias (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The models help to better understand disease mechanisms and to predict the course of the disease based on clinical data. This is a first step in the adaptation of treatments to disease characteristis of indiviual patients (personalized medicine).


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Areas of focus:
  • Mathematical modeling of stem cell dynamics and disease progression in blood cancers (AML, MDS, MPN), including the role of clonal selection/clonal competition, systemic feedback-mechansims and processes in the stem cell niche.
  • Model-based risk-stratification and personalized prediction of disease progression in blood cancers.
  • Mathematical modeling of blood cell formation in health and disease, including reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation (recovery of blood cell counts) and white blood cell formation in sepsis.
  • Mathematical modeling of stem cell aging including blood-forming stem cells, neural stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells.
  • Mathematical modeling of neurogenesis in the adult brain.
  • Mathematical modeling of stem cell dynamics in plant meristems.

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Key publications
  • Kynurenine pathway activation and deviation to anthranilic and kynurenic acid in fibrosing chronic graft-versus-host disease, Cell Rep Med 2, 2021. Orsatti*, Stiehl*, Dischinger* et al.
  • Mathematical modeling provides evidence for niche competition in human AML and serves as a tool to improve risk stratification, Cancer Research 80, 2020. Stiehl et al.
  • Quiescence Modulates Stem Cell Maintenance and Regenerative Capacity in the Aging Brain, Cell 176, 2019. Kalamakis et al.
  • Cell division patterns in acute myeloid leukemia stem-like cells determine clinical course: a model to predict patient survival, Cancer Research 75, 2015. Stiehl et al.
  • Clonal selection and therapy resistance in acute leukemias: Mathematical modelling explains different proliferation patterns at diagnosis and relapse, J. Royal Society Interface 11, 2014. Stiehl et al.

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Teaching (Summer 2024)

Vorlesung "Programmieren lernen ohne Vorkenntnisse"
Di 17.15-19.15 Uhr, Pauwelsstr. 19 (MTZ), Etage 3, Flur B, Raum 3.04, Start am 9.4.2024.

Vorlesung "Computer-Simulation in der Medizin"
Mo 17.15-19.15 Uhr, Pauwelsstr. 19 (MTZ II), Etage 3, Flur B, Raum 3.04, Start am 8.4.2024.

Vorlesung "Grundlagen der Statistik für Forschung, Klinik und Doktorarbeit"
21.5.2024-24.5.2024, 10.00-15.00 Uhr, Pauwelsstr. 19 (MTZ II), Etage 3, Flur B, Raum 3.04.

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Curriculum vitae

  • Since 2021: Professor for Disease Modeling and Computational Medicine, RWTH Aachen University.
  • Since 2020: Honorary Associate Professor, Roskilde University, Denmark.
  • 2016-2020: Postdoctoral research fellow (group of Prof. Dr. Marciniak-Czochra), Heidelberg University.
  • 2016: Final state exam in medicine, license to practice (Approbation als Arzt)
  • 2014: PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in mathematics
  • 2009: Diploma degree in mathematics (Diplom)
  • 2006: Intermediate diploma in physics (Vordiplom)
  • 2005: Intermediate diploma in mathematics (Vordiplom)